A Safe Haven for you Anywhere, Anytime

Our network of mental health professionals makes sure that your experience stays true to the name Project You. They know You.

You have the freedom to decide when you want to talk, and we will always be here.

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Open up as you want and when you want

Project You understands that opening up about your mental state to a therapist, a friend or family is not as easy as it sounds. It takes time.
We are here, for as long as it takes.

Care when you need it, how you want it

Therapy sessions

LCSW’s available on your time for your needs. Schedule a live session at a time that's convenient for you. Connect from your phone, tablet, or computer.

Care Associates

Care associates for when you just want to talk, therapists when you want to take action.

Collaborative care

With Project You’s full circle care, you’ll be in the right hands at all times. With a large network of various professionals, warm hand offs are a constant making it easier for you to make the adjustment.

Instant messaging

Message your therapist anytime from anywhere.

Early Intervention

Project You will focus on prevention, early intervention, family and social support to decrease the need for psychiatric hospital and emergency care service.

Peer to peer counseling

Peer-to-peer counseling and always active chat rooms are a great starting point for students who are not ready to reach out to a therapist just yet.

Who Do We Serve?

Project You for Schools

Stress at school, abuse, bullying, and uncooperative home environments are all very relevant issues that many students need help with. Over the years, we have strived to not only seek out the root of the problem, but to solve it as well. With 1 in every 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experiencing a mental health disorder each year, we believe we have an obligation to provide aid early on during their formative years. Project You is helping schools ensure that professional mental health support is available for their students at every step.

Future Projects

Here at Project You, we understand that post-partum depression, PTSD, and access to addiction therapy are all prevalent issues requiring professional care and constant support. Therefore, in the future, we plan to open our scope to new mothers, veterans, people suffering from addiction, and more. We hope to make an impact on their lives and well-being as we have among the student community.

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What does my membership include?

Connect 24/7/365

The biggest advantage of joining Project You is that you have support 24/7. At Project You, we believe that you deserve to be heard, whenever you feel like talking. You can connect to either a therapist, care associate, peer-to-peer group, community 24/7/365 days without a second thought.

Access to peer to peer counseling

Our extensive network of peer-to-peer counseling and always active chat rooms are a great starting point for students who are not ready to reach out to a therapist just yet. Research shows that peer-to-peer support can have a significant positive impact on one’s overall mental and physical well-being.

One free session with a care associate

As soon as you sign up for a membership with Project You, you will gain access to one free session with our expert care associate. The care associate is different from a licensed therapist, as they do not carry out traditional counseling but are always there to listen to you when you need to talk to someone. The care associate will be available 24/7, for you.

Access to multiple communities

Communities are important to your recovery and well-being. Project You has multiple communities, each dealing with a specific topic such as Stress at School, Relationship Problems, Drug Dependence, Bullying Issues, and more. When you have a dedicated community where you know that everyone else in the room is also facing the same problem, it becomes slightly easier for you to open up and talk. That’s what we’re here for, to make it easier for you.

Connect 24/7/365

The biggest advantage of joining Project You is that you have support 24/7. At Project You, we believe that you deserve to be heard, whenever you feel like talking. You can connect to either a therapist, care associate, peer-to-peer group, community 24/7/365 days without a second thought.

One free session with a care associate

As soon as you sign up for a membership with Project You, you will gain access to one free session with our expert care associate. The care associate is different from a licensed therapist, as they do not carry out traditional counseling but are always there to listen to you when you need to talk to someone. The care associate will be available 24/7, for you.

Access to peer to peer counseling

Our extensive network of peer-to-peer counseling and always active chat rooms are a great starting point for students who are not ready to reach out to a therapist just yet. Research shows that peer-to-peer support can have a significant positive impact on one’s overall mental and physical well-being.

Access to multiple communities

Communities are important to your recovery and well-being. Project You has multiple communities, each dealing with a specific topic such as Stress at School, Relationship Problems, Drug Dependence, Bullying Issues, and more. When you have a dedicated community where you know that everyone else in the room is also facing the same problem, it becomes slightly easier for you to open up and talk. That’s what we’re here for, to make it easier for you.

Find the best plan for Project You

Get Started Membership

What’s included
  • Connect 24/7/365
  • Peer to Peer counseling access
  • Two free sessions with a care associate
  • Access to multiple online communities

Take Action Package

What’s included
  • Get Started Membership
  • Discounted rates per therapy session

Sole Therapy Package

What’s included
  • Access to our network of therapists
  • Aid for applying for coverage

How can we help you?

Pricing holding

Pricing holding you back from moving forward?

Our membership model provides you with affordable prices however, for those who are especially affected financially, we provide other options such as, peer to peer counseling, scheduling with care associates and access to several communities. Our goal is to ensure that the path to recovery is not an all or nothing approach.

Having trouble finding the right therapist?

Finding a therapist with who you can connect instantly is tougher than it sounds. All licensed therapists are trained to deal with all kinds of issues, but everyone may not be equally skilled. Your therapist may be wrong for you in many ways.We can help you connect with therapists who are just right for you. And if you are not satisfied with your match, you can switch to another at any time.

Having trouble
Can’t find the time

Can’t find the time to schedule in the care you need?

Many online platforms offer the right counseling, but most of these platforms either work part-time or are too overwhelmed with the number of users they take in. So, the care and individual attention you need are often sidelined, and you end up gaining nothing close to what you would want. At Project You, we make time for you every time. Our only aim is to help you become the best version of yourself for a more fulfilling life.

Not ready to take the step for therapy?

Sometimes it is not about finding the right time or the best therapist, but simply finding the motivation to take that next step. Most platforms fail to gauge how you feel about therapy. At Project You, we understand that taking the next step is not always easy for everyone.With access to peer to peer counseling sessions, community chat rooms, and talk sessions with care associates, your next step does not necessarily have to be professional therapy.

Not ready to take

Why choose us?

At Project You, we start from the very beginning.

Imagine a world where the patient and the provider can work hand in hand, giving the patient more control over their own health.

Imagine a world where access to mental healthcare is a right and not a privilege.

We, at Project You, visualize a world where emotional care is easily available for every student or individual. We believe in providing a safe house for them to talk about their personal issues openly, assured that someone is listening without judgement.

Not ready to take the step for therapy

If you are in a life threatening situation - don’t use this site. CALL 911 to get immediate help.

About Project You

About Project You

We, at Project You, started with a single problem statement. How can we make mental health counseling for students of today more accessible and congenial?

We understood that students, in particular, need a more interactive and diverse platform. We understand that it may be hard for some younger individuals to open up.

We do not expect young minds with so much going on inside them to bring out their best in a typical appointment session with a licensed therapist. They needed more to truly open upThat is how Project You was born. Project You was our answer to making students, parents, teachers, and counselors more aware of the wide array of options they have.